EGBERT (A.D.775 - 836). Bretwalda, Rex Anglorum, and 1st King of all England. Friend of Charlemagne.
CHARLEMAGNE (A.D.742 - 814). Married in 771 to the EMPRESS HILDEGARDE(c.754 - 783), also known as Hildegard of the Vinzgau
ETHELWULF (s.836 : d.858) St. Swithin was his tutor and counsellor.
ALFRED (849 - 899) : married in 868 to EALHSWITH,daughter of the Earldorman of the Gains.
1. LOUIS LE DEBONNAIRE (778 - 840) also known as Ludwig I.
Married ---Judith von Bayern-Altdorf (Bavaria) (c.805 - c.843)
2. CHARLES the BALD (Emperor) 823 -877. Married the EMPRESS ERMENTRUDE daughter of the Count of Orleans.
3. JUDITH: married (3rd marriage: ------ BALDWIN 1. Margrave of Flanders.
The Line of Alfred divides here
4. BALDWIN II (died 918) : Count of Flanders : Married ------ AELFTHRYTH daughter of Alfred the Great.
5. ARNULF the ELDER (c. 893/899 – 27 March 964)
Count of Flanders II : Married ------
ADELE daughter of the Count of Vermandois.
6. BALDWIN III (c. 940 – 962): Count of Flanders . ------
Married Mathilde of Saxony.(939 - 1008)
7. ARNULF the YOUNGER : Count of Flanders (c 961 - c 989)
Married-----Rozala of Italy (952 - c.1004)
8. BALDWIN IV. : Count of Flanders (The Bearded)(c.980 - 1036)
Married------Otgiva of Luxemburg ( Died. 1030)
9. BALDWIN V : Count of Flanders (1012 - 1067)
Married ------ADELA (1009 - 1078) daughter of ROBERT II of France
and Countess of Flanders.
10. MATILDA (Machteld) of Flanders: (c.1031 - 1083)
Married in 1053 ------ WILLIAM the CONQUEROR
(1024 - 1087)
KING DUNCAN slain by
MACBETH (1040).
MALCOLM CANMORE King of Scots (1058 - 1093):
Married to ST. MARGARET (1045 - 1093)
MALCOM CANMORE is the son ST.MARGARET is the daughter of KING DUNCAN of EDWARD
11. HENRY I of England (1068 - 1135) : Married 1st to
MATILDA of Scotland , : Daughter of ST.MARGARET OF SCOTLAND and MALCOLM CANMORE King of Scotland. 2nd to Adeliza of Louvrain.
12. The EMPRESS MATILDA (1102 - 1167): Married 1st to the Emperor Henry V (1114): 2ndly to Geoffrey Plantagenet (Geoffroy V, Count of Anjou, Maine and Mortain): Son of the Count of Angou.
13. HENRY II of England (1133 - 1189) : Married to ------
ELEANOR of Aquitaine (c1123-1204).
14. JOHN 1 of England (1167 - 1216): Married to ------
Isabelle of Angoulême(c1188 - 1246).
15. HENRY III of England (1207 - 1272): Married to ------
ELEANOR (1223-1291)(Éléonore Berenger (de Provence)daughter of Raymond Berenger, Count of Provence.
LOUIS IX (St. Louis of France) (12.15 - 1270) : married to MARGARET of Provence: canonized in 1297.
PHILLIP III : " LE HARDI" (1245 - 1285) : married (2ndly) MARIA of Brabant.
This King was himself 7th in descent from MALCOLM CANMORE and ST. MARGARET (Queen of Scots) though DAVID I (Malcolm´s youngest son) and DAVID´S grandson DAVID , Earl of Huntingdon, whose daughter the Lady ISABELLA married his great grandfather ROBERT BRUS or BRUCE, Lord of ANNANDALE
ROBERT BRUCE King of Scots (1274-1329): the hero in 1314 of Bannockburn: married ISABELA daughter of the 10th Earl of Mar.
MAJORIE of Scotland: married to WALTER 6th High Sterward of Scotland. The Princess was killed by a fall from her horse March,2, 1315-16.
ROBERT II (1316 - 1390 married ELIZABETH daughter of Sir Adam Mure of Rowallan.
ROBERT III (1337 - 1406) : married ANNABELLA daughter of Sir John Drummond of Stobhall.
JAMES I (1394 - 1437): crowned by Henry Wardlaw Bishop of St. Andrew´s: married Lady JOAN BEAUFORT ( No.21)
The descent to the Plowden-Wardlaws follows henceforth from No.22 to 38 in this genealogy
16. EDWARD I of England (1239 - 1307) : married to ------ MARGARET ( Marguerite ) (1275 - 1317) daughter of PHILLIP III of France
17. EDMUND OF WOODSTOCK, 1st EARL of KENT (1301 - 1330) (Edmund Plantagenet of Woodstock : 2nd son of Edward 1 (Longshanks) and Marguerite of France: married ------ Margaret Wake,(1297 - 1349) 3rd Baroness Wake of Liddell , sister and heir of Thomas Lord Wake.
18. JOAN PLANTAGENT (Fair Maid of Kent) : (1328 - 1385).
After having been married 1st to William Montacute: Earl of Salisbury, she married 2ndly ---- Sir Thomas de Holland, (1314-1360) Lord Holland, K.G. 1st Earl of Kent.
(She was afterwards married 3rdly to Edward the Black Prince).
19. THOMAS HOLLAND (2nd Earl of Kent) (1350 - 1397):
married ------Lady Alice Fitzalan, daughter of Richard Earl of Arundel and Countess of Kent.
20. LADY MARGARET HOLLAND, Duchess of Clarence: married ------ 1st John Beaufort Earl of Somerset and Marquis of Dorset( Son of JOHN of GAUNT Duke of Lancaster). Her 2nd marriage was to Thomas Duke of Clarence
(1402-1445) married to JAMES I OF SCOTLAND (1394 - 1437). Crowned by Bishop Wardlaw of St. Andrew´s 7, May:21:1424.
22. PRINCESS JOANNA of SCOTLAND (c1428 - 1493)
(3rd Daughter of the King): after being married 1st to the Earl of Angus, she married 2ndy in 1458 ------ James Douglas 1st Earl of Morton. (1426 - 1493)
23. JOHN DOUGLAS 2nd EARL OF MORTON : married Janet daughter of Chrichton of Cranstonriddel and Countess of Morton.
24. ELIZABETH DOUGLAS of MORTON:(1488 - 1527) married ----
Robert Lord Keith (slain at Flodden Sept: 1513)
25. WILLIAM LORD KEITH 4th EARL MARISCHAL (1506 - 1581): married ------ Margaret Keith, daughter of Sir William Keith of Innverugie.
26. LADY ANNE KEITH, (1530 - 1588) Countess of Moray : married in 1561 ------JAMES STEWART . REGENT of SCOTLAND 1st Earl of Moray (1531 - 1570)
27. ELIZABETH STEWART: COUNTESS of MORAY (in her own right) :(1565 - 1591): married in 1581 ------ Sir James Stuart (the Bonny Earl of Moray)1568 - 1592.
28. JAMES STUART 3rd EARL of MORAY(1581 - 1638):
married in 1601 ------Lady Anne Gordon, (1590-1640) Countess of Huntly, daughter of the 1st Marquis of Huntly & Henrietta Stewart.
29. JAMES STUART 4th EARL of MORAY : (25.06.1608-04.03.1653): married ------Lady Margaret Home eldest daughter of the 1st Earl of Home and Countess of Moray.
30. LADY HENRIETTA STUART : married in 1662 ------
Sir Hugh Campbell of Calder.(15th Thane of Cawdor)
31. JEAN SOPHIA CAMPBELL: (c.1671)married in 1693 ------
Alexander Brodie of Lethen (4th Laird) 1667 - 1745.
32. THOMAS BRODIE. W.S. 1707(Lyon Depute of Scotland): died 19.August 1770 married in 1755 Phoebe only daughter of Thomas Forbes of Thornton Kincardineshire and widow of John Scott of Hedderwick : died 1787.
33. THOMAS BRODIE. W.S. (10.08.1760 - 14.09.1825): married ------ Anne Taap.(1772 - 1847) Father of James Campbell Brodie; Anne Brodie; Thomas Brodie and John Clerk Brodie of Idvies, WS.
34. ANNE BRODIE (1803 - 1877) : sister of the 10th Laird of Lethen James Campbell Brodie (1801–1857) who succeeded in 1829 to the estates of Lethen and Coulmony : she was also sister of John Clerk Brodie of Idvies co: Forfar. W.S., C.B., LL.D., D.L., Deputy Keeper of the Signet (1811-1888). She was aunt of James Campbell John Brodie 12th Laird of Lethen and Lord Lieutenant of Nairn (1848-1880) : and also of Sir Thomas Dawson Brodie of Idvies 1st Baronet. (1832-1896). Married on Nov. 10th, 1827, in St. James' Cathedral, Calcutta------ David Brown Wardlaw of Gogarmount Midlothian (2nd of that name (1803-1867) in Calcutta, India. It is through this lady that the later Wardlaws of Gogarmount and now the Plowden-Wardlaws share the blood of the Carolingian Emperors, of the Scottish and English Kings, and of the sovereign Counts of Flanders.
Anne and David had 5 children 1.Annie Georgina (1828-1904).2.David W.S.(1831-1908).3.Thomas Brodie(1834-1916).4.James Campbell(1835-1914).
5.Martha (1839-1906)
35. JAMES CAMPBELL WARDLAW: younger son to David Brown Wardlaw and ANNE BRODIE of Lethen : born at Gogarmount Midlothian Dec: 8, 1835 : married (1st in Hongkong July 30, 1870, Mary Bray who died Feb: 1872: only issue a daughter Mary Bray (1872-1942), afterwards Mrs. Bramwell)----- -2ndly Jan 28, 1873 at St. Andrew's, Wells St., London : Augusta Ellen Chichele Plowden, eldest daughter of Augustus Udny Chichele Plowden, B.C.S. (born 1805 : died in India 1852) and Ellen Carne (born 1817: died 1887) and paternal aunt of Roger Chichele Plowden (born 1871) who since 1909 is reputed to be the senior representative of Thomas Plowden of Lassam 2nd Earl Palatine of New Albion (1614-1698), and of James Chichele Plowden of Ewshurst (1715-1761).James Campbell died 23.02.1914 in Bournmouth, Hants. My Great-great-grandfather.
James and Augusta had two children. 1. James Tait Wardlaw (1873-1963) and 2. Hugh Chichele Plowden Wardlaw (1880-1964).
(Please note that Hugh had the surname Wardlaw, and not Plowden-Wardlaw. There is some confusion on the Internet concerning this fact.)
36. JAMES TAIT WARDLAW (now PLOWDEN-WARDLAW): eldest son of JAMES CAMPBELL WARDLAW and AUGUSTA ELLEN CHICHELE WARDLAW (born: PLOWDEN 1839): born in London on St. Clement's Day (Nov. 23), 1873. M.A. of King's College, Cambridge. Assumed by Deed Poll Feb. 25, 1901, the extra surname of PLOWDEN. Barrister-at-Law (Lincoln's Inn) May 1, 1901. Advocate of the Supreme Courts of Cape Colony (Sept. 12, 1901). and the Transvaal (May 29, 1903) : Public Prosecutor of Pretoria (1902-1905) and Acting Crown Prosecutor. Married in Pretoria on April 19, 1904-Edith Hay Campbell, 2nd daughter of Richard Frederik Fotheringham Campbell of Craigie (4th Laird) D.L. and M.P. for the Ayr Burghs (1885-1888), who died May, 1888, and Arabella Jane daughter of Archibald Argyll Hay, and widow of Charles Tennent. Mrs.Campbell died Dec., 1888. Mr. Plowden-Wardlaw was ordained by Dr. Harmer Bishop of Rochester on Sept. 25, 1910. Chaplain of St. Edward's, Cambridge, 1913-1917. Chaplain in the Army (Great War).1916–1918 (2 medals). Rector of Beckenham 1919-1925. Chaplain of St. Paul's, Cannes, 1928-29. Vicar of St. Clement's, Cambridge, 1931. Author of devotional works (Vox Domini and Vox Dilecti), under the name of Clement Humilis. After the death of his uncles David Wardlaw, W.S. (born 1831 : died 1908), and Thomas Brodie Wardlaw, late Lieutenant in the Staffordshire Regiment (38th Foot) (born 1834: married in 1874 to Emma Holmes, sister to the late Major-General Holmes : died without issue Aug. 21, 1916), Mr. Plowden-Wardlaw became the senior representative of the Wardlaws of Gogarmount Midlothian. This seniority is merely titular, as Gogarmount was sold in the 40's of the 19th century, the consequence of early railway speculation, and the family went to reside in France. James died 19th November 1963. My Great-Grandfather.
Born December 31, 1931
at Southbourne, Hants. England
Died June 29, 1974
at Poblacht, Dumfries, Scotland
Born March 6, 1934
at Wellington New Zealand.
Died December 13 2007
at Prince George, BC, Canada
Born June 5, 1930
at Valparaiso, Chili. South America
Died April 23, 2014
at Ottawa, Canada
Born February 14, 1937
at wellington, New Zealand
Born September 30, 1942
at Penticton, B.C.Canada
Born September 22, 1936
at Oneonta, New York, U.S.A.
Born April 20, 1939
at Oneonta, New York, USA.
Died 25 October,2014
at Taos, New Mexico, USA
Born July 22, 1941
at Cambridge, U.K.
Died January 18, 1996
at Taunten Deane, Somerset, UK